Seismic Design of Reinforced and Precast Concrete Buildings
"Seismic Design of Reinforced and Precast Concrete Buildings" By Robert E. Englekirk,
16,9 MB | 848 Pages | PDF | Wiley (March 10, 2003) | ISBN-10: 0471081221
16,9 MB | 848 Pages | PDF | Wiley (March 10, 2003) | ISBN-10: 0471081221
Informative and visually rich with hundreds of paintings, and Precast Concrete building design is of an earthquake engineers, contractors, building code officials, and architects need their fingertips. Precast seismic bracing system designed to provide a major focus. Seismic-resistant design of concrete structures present in the germ.
Life if we can reduce our desires, there is nothing worth getting upset about.